Python for Kids | Snake and Ladder Game
Last week, I was thinking of how to inspire/encourage a kid to understand coding and my conclusion at the end confirms that it’s really a very difficult task overall.
I thought of something different — let’s play a game and explain the working of a game to the kid with a live demo. To achieve this, I quickly wrote a python program to play text-based snake and ladder game in the terminal.
Any advance python concept is not used in this code. However, it is a fun thing to do for a beginner in order to learn how to use multiple concepts in your program. Few basic concepts used in this code are:
- Dictionary
- List
- Generating random number
- Selecting a Random value from a list
- Adding wait/sleep in program
- Conditional Statements i.e. IF and ELSE
- Getting input from user
To run the below code :
- install python in your machine
- save the below code in a file — name says it as <file_name>.py
- type the command: python <file_name>.py
# Text based snake and ladder game
# Author - Ashutosh Kumar
#import time
import random
import sys# just of effects. add a delay of 1 second before performing any action
MAX_VAL = 100
DICE_FACE = 6# snake takes you down from 'key' to 'value'
snakes = {
17: 7,
54: 34,
62: 19,
64: 60,
87: 36,
95: 75,
93: 73,
98: 79,
}# ladder takes you up from 'key' to 'value'
ladders = {
4: 14,
9: 31,
1: 38,
21: 42,
28: 84,
51: 67,
72: 91,
80: 99
}player_turn_text = [
"Your turn.",
"Please proceed.",
"Lets win this.",
"Are you ready?",
]snake_bite = [
"snake bite",
"oh no",
]ladder_jump = [
"nailed it",
"oh my God...",
]def welcome_msg():
msg = """
Welcome to Snake and Ladder Game.
Version: 1.0.0
Developed by: Ashutosh KumarRules:
1. Initally both the players are at starting position i.e. 0.
Take it in turns to roll the dice.
Move forward the number of spaces shown on the dice.
2. If you lands at the bottom of a ladder, you can move up to the top of the ladder.
3. If you lands on the head of a snake, you must slide down to the bottom of the snake.
4. The first player to get to the FINAL position is the winner.
5. Hit enter to roll the dice."""
print(msg)def get_player_names():
player1_name = None
while not player1_name:
player1_name = input("Please enter a valid name for first player: ").strip()player2_name = None
while not player2_name:
player2_name = input("Please enter a valid name for second player: ").strip()print("\nMatch will be played between '" + player1_name + "' and '" + player2_name + "'\n")
return player1_name, player2_namedef get_dice_value():
dice_value = random.randint(1, DICE_FACE)
print("Its a " + str(dice_value))
return dice_valuedef got_snake_bite(old_value, current_value, player_name):
print("\n" + random.choice(snake_bite).upper() + " ~~~~~~~~>")
print("\n" + player_name + " got a snake bite. Down from " + str(old_value) + " to " + str(current_value))def got_ladder_jump(old_value, current_value, player_name):
print("\n" + random.choice(ladder_jump).upper() + " ########")
print("\n" + player_name + " climbed the ladder from " + str(old_value) + " to " + str(current_value))def snake_ladder(player_name, current_value, dice_value):
old_value = current_value
current_value = current_value + dice_valueif current_value > MAX_VAL:
print("You need " + str(MAX_VAL - old_value) + " to win this game. Keep trying.")
return old_valueprint("\n" + player_name + " moved from " + str(old_value) + " to " + str(current_value))
if current_value in snakes:
final_value = snakes.get(current_value)
got_snake_bite(current_value, final_value, player_name)elif current_value in ladders:
final_value = ladders.get(current_value)
got_ladder_jump(current_value, final_value, player_name)else:
final_value = current_valuereturn final_valuedef check_win(player_name, position):
if MAX_VAL == position:
print("\n\n\nThats it.\n\n" + player_name + " won the game.")
print("Congratulations " + player_name)
print("\nThank you for playing the game. Hope you enjoyed the time with your friend Ashutosh\n\n")
sys.exit(1)def start():
player1_name, player2_name = get_player_names()
time.sleep(SLEEP_BETWEEN_ACTIONS)player1_current_position = 0
player2_current_position = 0while True:
input_1 = input("\n" + player1_name + ": " + random.choice(player_turn_text) + " Hit the enter to roll dice: ")
print("\nRolling dice...")
dice_value = get_dice_value()
print(player1_name + " moving....")
player1_current_position = snake_ladder(player1_name, player1_current_position, dice_value)check_win(player1_name, player1_current_position)input_2 = input("\n" + player2_name + ": " + random.choice(player_turn_text) + " Hit the enter to roll dice: ")
print("\nRolling dice...")
dice_value = get_dice_value()
print(player2_name + " moving....")
player2_current_position = snake_ladder(player2_name, player2_current_position, dice_value)check_win(player2_name, player2_current_position)if __name__ == "__main__":
What is happening in Game:
1- Display the welcome message
2- Collect the player’s names
3- Until one of the player wins do the following:
3.1- Roll the dice
3.2- Move the player forward for the value got on the dice roll.
3.3- If the player is on snake’s head, move down to its tail
3.4- If the player is on ladder’s bottom, take it to its top
3.5- else remain there and let the second player roll the dice